Renowned director Isher Sahota, celebrated for his work on the upcoming Netflix series Missing You, is set to lead an exclusive 5-day acting course at Actors Studio. This unique opportunity allows actors to gain insights from a director with a diverse and accomplished career.
Isher Sahota’s Career Highlights
Isher Sahota has made significant contributions to television and film. He directed the 2023 TV movie The Effects of Lying, a comedic drama that premiered on ITVX and was praised for its heartfelt storytelling and South Asian representation. His directorial portfolio also includes episodes of popular series such as Grace (2021) and Good Night Henry (2022).
About Missing You
Missing You is an upcoming Netflix limited series adapted from Harlan Coben’s novel of the same name. The series stars Rosalind Eleazar as Detective Kat Donovan, who discovers her missing fiancé’s profile on a dating app, leading her into a complex web of secrets and mysteries. The cast also includes Richard Armitage, Lenny Henry, and Jessica Plummer. The series is set to premiere globally on January 1, 2025.
Acting Course Details
Actors Studio’s 5-day course, led by Isher Sahota, offers participants the chance to refine their craft through intensive training, rehearsals, and the filming of professional showreel scenes. This course is ideal for both emerging and established actors seeking to enhance their skills under the guidance of an industry expert.